FX Presets

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AS Shermanik Filterbank V 2

by ambientspace for FX Grid

Category: FX

Bitwig Version: 4.0

Discord Avatar of ambientspace
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Inspired by the Sherman Filterbank 2. Version 2 is a rebuild made using Bitwig Studio v4.0 for greater compatibility. There are a wide range of sonic discoveries waiting for you. Please have fun with it!

I've updated the file, yet again. Now v2 and built with Bitwig Studio v4.0 - now vastly improved and more functional. Chain them together for more extreme results.

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MS Insta Retro

by mattsan for Chain

Category: FX

Bitwig Version: 4.2.5

Discord Avatar of mattsan
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A not so subbtle chain of effects that can turn anything into that 80's lo-fi retro vibe

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DIY Hard And Soft Clipper Ventolin Edition

by x.iso for FX Grid

Category: FX

Bitwig Version: 5.0.3

Discord Avatar of x.iso
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DIY clipper for study Ventolin type settings

the custom made clipper in FX Grid, with optional self-ringing filter that makes a Ventolin-kind of distortion to incoming sound, demo can be found here: https://discord.com/channels/121395249003233280/298769583769387008/1138934071645438052

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Low Pass Gate

by xerhard for FX Grid

Category: FX

Bitwig Version: 4.4.8

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I recently saw some interesting videos on Eurorack Low Pass Gates. Although it is described as not (easily) possible to re-create in software I think I succeeded quite well in mimicking it in the Grid. The four macro knobs will do to cover most of the alteration of the LowPassGate behaviour 🤔

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MS Asym Dist

by Matt-San for Chain

Category: FX

Bitwig Version: 4.2.5

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Asymetric Distortion. Each polarity has controllable Mix, Gain and a PreFX Filter and it's filter type, also has a internal chain so you can process each polarity however you want and create your own distortion!

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by Moose for FX Grid

Category: FX

Bitwig Version: 4.4.2

dummy patch

Hard clipper with a bit of a twist. Good for lo-fi/tape crackle/noise effects (although worse than actual emulations, obviously). For an actual hard clipper (why would you, but still) set Mix, Blend and Density to 100%. Depth - threshold level. Mix - dry/wet blend. Dynamic - threshold follows the input signal volume. Random - threshold level is randomized (lowering the overall threshold). Gap - [regular][stepped, can pop] gap between clip triggers. Cluster - [regular][stepped, can pop] clip time (% of gap length). Blend - between [regular] and [irregular], that is clipping at certain intervals or clipping randomly. Density - [irregular] essentially the chance to clip randomly.

Made a preset as a kind of challenge while learning Grid. Distortion, crackle, noise or something like that.

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by WilhelmWilhem for FX Grid

Category: FX

Bitwig Version: 4.0.8

Discord Avatar of WilhelmWilhem
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Hi everyone, here is a new grid fx preset that uses the array module. The parameters in the performance window can change the behaviour of the fx. It's mainly used to distort the audio signal or add bitcrushing effects. And yes, the ui is intentionally broken (inspired by the freakshow industries plugins).

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Convergence 8 Notes Note Grid

by Song of Itself for Note Grid

Category: FX

Bitwig Version: 4.3.4

Discord Avatar of Song of Itself
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Two random melodies start off completely different, then converge, note by note, until they are the same melody (played 1 ocatev apart so we can hear them separately). Attach a pluck instrument.

I’ve made something weird today. A few days ago I rewatched <@118550747137835008>’s tutorial called “Generative Pattern Combining in the Bitwig Studio Grid”, which I had seen before but for some reason forgot about. Maybe I watched it too early in my Bitwig journey to understand the potential. But this time it was a huge, I mean huge bout of inspiration. For the last few days I've been doing things with generative melodies that evolve and then return to their original state, which I didn’t think was possible, because I understood that the S/H device can sample values, but I didn’t quite realize that it could hold on to them too. And today I've made something weird. Instead of starting with a melody and letting it go in random directions, I wondered whether the opposite was possible. Can I start with two different melodies of the same length, and by changing their notes at random make them eventually converge into a single melody? Turns out, yes I could! So here’s the Note Grid preset and a very basic project. If you try it out, send it to a pluck-type instrument, it expects to play quick, distinct notes. Notes change at random once per bar, so the time it takes for both melodies to converge depends on the tempo you set, which for me, at 130 bpm, takes under two minutes. Every bar the melody will be slightly different than previously (well, not *every* bar really, since sometimes randomness will replace a note with itself), and gradually the two distinct melodies will coalesce into one. Oh, and the blue lights indicate which notes are already ”synced”, so you can see the progress. Musical? Perhaps not 😊 Useful? Perhaps not, either. But pleasantly weird, and I love the grid for being able to accommodate such odd designs.

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by Jakob from Elektrokomposition for FX Layer

Category: FX

Bitwig Version: 4.1.6

dummy patch

Naturaliser - inspired by Naturaliser VST from Rast Sound. Subtle random variations of different effects to add complexity to every track including the Master. STEREO: random left/right panning (restricted to frequencies above 500 Hz) PHASE: random delay to L/R or Mid/Side LR/MS: switches random delay to L/R or Mid/Side RATE: changes rate of the random modulation (does not influence note sync) NOTE SYNC: syncs random variations to note input (with smoothing to prevent clicks)

Naturaliser - inspired by Naturaliser VST from Rast Sound. Subtle random variations of different effects to add complexity to every track including the Master. STEREO: random left/right panning (restricted to frequencies above 500 Hz) PHASE: random delay to L/R or Mid/Side LR/MS: switches random delay to L/R or Mid/Side RATE: changes rate of the random modulation (does not influence note sync) NOTE SYNC: syncs random variations to note input (with smoothing to prevent clicks)

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Fuzzplus 3 Stereo

by dyzv0r for Stereo Split

Category: FX

Bitwig Version: 4.1.6

Discord Avatar of dyzv0r
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I noticed that Fuzzplus3 (by Audio Damage) makes things mono, so I created a stereo version.

I noticed that Fuzzplus3 by AudioDamage makes things mono, so I created a stereo version with macros. In case you don't know, all of their old plugins are free now including this one.

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by Gethiox for Chain

Category: FX

Bitwig Version: 4.1.2

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Gaster from Undertale Brainless Control: - it is designed to be used with default settings only Some other parameters: - "Repitch" should be used only initialy to reproduce original samples as much as possible. Disabling it changes samplers mode to "Cycles" mode which sounds less sharper but gives adventage of formant manipulation capability. - Use "Tune" parameter to tune all samples into the closest note (F3), after full tuning, you can "tune everything to C" with one buuton. - Turn "Speed" parameter down to zero (or enable "Freeze") to achieve static and stable sound, useful in "Cycles" mode (by disabling "Repitch"). There are other parameters available that makes use of modulating "Speed" with "Random" modulator, and other that can freeze playhead and modulate it with another "Random" modulator. Just play with exposed parameters Note: snd_wngdng6 contains noise-like sound without tonality, so during tuning (above 50% value) it is being replaced by snd_wngdng2 sound.

psychodelic Gaster from Undertale

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Erosion Rack V 2

by Shae (Baphy) for FX Layer

Category: FX

Bitwig Version: 4.1.3

Discord Avatar of Shae (Baphy)
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The TRUE Erosion sound from Ableton, at long last. Based on an indy VST you MUST download first. The "Wide" button has an audible effect only when "Noise" mode is active. You can use "Width" to narrow the Wide Noise, if desired. Download the VST at: https://www.reddit.com/r/FL_Studio/comments/ekj2sp/i_recreated_erosion_abletons_proprietary_crunchy/

*(V2 - Fixes an inconsistent mapping with the "Color" knob)* The real and true Erosion sound from Ableton, in Bitwig at last! This is a custom rack I built using a free VST that somebody finally made and got the Erosion process and sound nearly identical to the original. What they left out was the "Wide" noise mode, so I created this rack to enable the Wide mode too. You'll need the VST itself for this rack to work. The VST is free and you can find the DL link in the rack preset's description. See the production channel for a video demo.

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Erosion Rack

by Shae (Baphy) for FX Layer

Category: FX

Bitwig Version: 4.1.3

Discord Avatar of Shae (Baphy)
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The TRUE Erosion sound from Ableton, at long last. Based on an indy VST you MUST download first. The "Wide" button has an audible effect only when "Noise" mode is active. You can use "Width" to narrow the Wide Noise, if desired. Download the VST at: https://www.reddit.com/r/FL_Studio/comments/ekj2sp/i_recreated_erosion_abletons_proprietary_crunchy/

The real and true Erosion sound from Ableton, in Bitwig at last! This is a custom rack I built using a free VST that somebody *finally* made and got the Erosion process and sound nearly identical to the original. What they left out was the "Wide" noise mode, so I created this rack to enable the Wide mode too. You'll need the VST itself for this rack to work. The VST is free and you can find the DL link in the rack preset's description. See the <#335901752387829770> channel for a video demo.

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Shepperd Template

by SoundMod for Poly Grid

Category: FX

Bitwig Version: 4.0.5

Discord Avatar of SoundMod
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This is a Shepperd Tone generator and its default patch. This provide the classic endless rising or falling tone.

Shepperd Tone Generator: The endless rising / falling tone. Bandwidth set the interval between each sine and also the interval between the sweep start & stop frequencies. The speed simply sets the sweep rate. At fastest rate or at low bandwidth, the "endless" tone fx dissapear and you start to distinguish AM/FM kind of sounds.

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DIY Chorus

by x.iso for FX Grid

Category: FX

Bitwig Version: 4.1

Discord Avatar of x.iso
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basic re-creating of Chorus effect, but using all-pass filter for delays, for more washed out unison feel. Swap regular LFO module for SH LFO if you want random movement instead!

DIY Chorus is basically recreation of Chorus device in Grid as far as my understanding of it goes, but with all-pass filter used for delay. You can easily swap regular LFO for SH/LFO for random movement. Bitwig version requirement: 4.1

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Ultimate Vocal Tool

by SebastianRobert for FX Layer

Category: FX

Bitwig Version: 4.0.1

Discord Avatar of SebastianRobert
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Tool that helps you mix better vocals

https://i.imgur.com/LRQOkGp.png This was originally an attempt of re-creating the "Fresh Air" VST with just stock devices in Bitwig. But I ended up giving it tons of extra features. So I call this "Ultimate vocal tool". Put it on your vocals, and they will sound crisp, clear and "up front". Here's what it sounds like: Dry vocals: https://soundcloud.com/sebastianrobert/vocal-dry/s-ZSHx3F8DaS6 Wet vocals using this device: https://soundcloud.com/sebastianrobert/vocal-wet/s-KykSfw1S61r

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Barberpole Phaser

by Stygian Abyss for FX Grid

Category: FX

Bitwig Version: 3.3.10

Discord Avatar of Stygian Abyss
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Hi all, I'm a newcomer here and the person who asked Polarity about barberpole phasers, topic he talked about in a live stream a few weeks ago. Here's the FX Grid patch I've built, using a different approach.

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Vocofader 9000 Mark 1

by jumpstar for FX Layer

Category: FX

Bitwig Version: 3.3.7

Discord Avatar of jumpstar
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A fun DJ style fader that 'vocodes' between two signal sources. Inside the FX layer you will find a LEFT and RIGHT audio sources. You should set the inputs up for these to the corresponding left and right audio you want to fade/vocode between. Inside there is a FADER knob that controls which side of the mix is playing. Dry Left on the Left. Dry Right on the Right. In the middle of the mix are two vocoder channels. One using the carrier/modulator in one direction. The other using the carrier/modulator reversed. You can expand the chains to modify how the vocoders are set up for your particular use case. Maybe a good idea to map the formants of the two vocoders to CC's so you can tweak them in real time

Remake of Vocofader 9000 compatible with version 3.7

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RFC 214

by Jakob from Elektrokomposition for FX Layer

Category: FX

Bitwig Version: 3.3.3

dummy patch

I build based on the Rando-Rambo fx grid preset from Polarity my RFC-214, a Random FX Chain containing 18 Bitwig native audio effects whose 214 parameters can be randomized with a click of a single button! I tried to group "similar" effects into single modules that can be individually randomized, muted and gain-controlled. At the end of each module and the whole rack I added a low-cut and a limiter because it's likely that things are getting out of control. There is a problem with conflicting buttons states because there is one generate button at the first preset page that controls the randomization of all the 3 modules, and you have on the second page individual generate buttons which can get out of sync with the general generate button when pressed. If someone has an idea how to solve this, I would be glad to know! Otherwise, feel free to work with the preset and rearrange it as you like. Inside the modules effects are working in serial and rearranging them will make a huge difference. I decided to have the 3 modules working in parallel thus it's not that likely that a heavy distortion totally negates a reverb effect, and you can control them easier individually.

I build based on the Rando-Rambo fx grid preset from Polarity my RFC-214, a Random FX Chain containing 18 Bitwig native audio effects whose 214 parameters can be randomized with a click of a single button!

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Mid Side Clipper

by x.iso for Mid-Side Split

Category: FX

Bitwig Version: 3.3 Beta 6

Discord Avatar of x.iso
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This preset allows selective mid/side clipping or overall clipping of signals above 0db

Simple Mid-Side/Overall hard clipper

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Beat Repeater

by antic604 for FX Grid

Category: FX

Bitwig Version: 3.3 Beta 3

Discord Avatar of antic604
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C3 - 1/8 D3 - 1/16 E3 - 1/32 F3 - 1/64

My 1st actual Grid preset that I'm proud of. There's several optimisations I could do to make it smaller (4-5x actually), but for now my head hurts trying to do that, so I'll probably re-do it from scratch with what I've learned. Anyway, it's a simple beat repeater FX, controlled by MIDI: C3 - 1/8 repeats D3 - 1/16 E3 - 1/32 F3 - 1/64 Next versions will likely add expressions to control amplitude, filtering and pitch shifting.

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Engine Sound

by zezic for FX Layer

Category: FX

Bitwig Version: 3.3 Beta 3

Discord Avatar of zezic
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Simple engine sound simulator https://discord.com/channels/121395249003233280/280724988867117057/771876623133573120

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Vocal Chain

by elk3i for Chain

Category: FX

Bitwig Version: 3.3 Beta 2

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Vocal chain inspired by Reid Stefan (https://youtu.be/5pbyu1dPY78)

I used Reid Stefan's vocal chain from this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVsEbOc4Jt4&list=TLPQMjIxMDIwMjCrTT4rNkGx5Q&index=3) as an inspiration to create one myself. It's not perfect, but a good start I think.

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Lofi Dub Siren

by CmdRobot for Chain

Category: FX

Bitwig Version: 3.2.7

dummy patch

Retro soundeffect machine. Mix two different sample devices, a wavetable and a one-shot. Tweak them to get all kinds of whacky sfx. Check "Settings" preset-page for more options.

Speaking of dub sirenes, here is mine! 🇯🇲 🔥

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96 Bands Polyphonic Replacer

by Jazgot for Note FX Layer

Category: FX

Bitwig Version: 3.2.4

Discord Avatar of Jazgot
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96 bands polyphonic replacer is a note fx layer of chained eq+ and replacers (to achieve very narrow bands). It takes an audio as input and generates notes corresponding to bands. Perform preset page contains knobs to change parameters of every replacer. Especially try to play with the Threshold parameter. It obviously tends to be CPU hevy, so you can disable not needed note chains.

96 bands polyphonic replacer is a note fx layer of chained eq+ and replacers (to achieve very narrow bands). It takes an audio as input and generates notes corresponding to bands. Perform preset page contains knobs to change parameters of every replacer. Especially try to play with the Threshold parameter. It obviously tends to be CPU heavy, so you can disable not needed note chains.

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Vocal Thickener

by djhappyman for FX Layer

Category: FX

Bitwig Version: 3.1.2

Discord Avatar of djhappyman

Vocal thickening preset I made using the same principle used in this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8N0LlJkzQg).

Here's a simple FX preset mimicking the function of the popular thickening trick done in pro-tools, pro-tools etc.... As shown in this video. Using the settings in Studio One I copied over as a simple device preset. Just throw it on your vocal channel and enjoy a thicker track. I use vocals a lot for friends and remixes etc... so works great to blend in with an original signal.

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Slow Down Stretch Up FM

by x.iso for FX Grid

Category: FX

Bitwig Version: 3.2.2

Discord Avatar of x.iso

Real-time audio pitch shifter with more grainy up-speed stretch and more smooth slow down effect with full stop effect at -100% Additionally there's FM mod knob that will apply input self-modulation and envelope that triggers at note input to drive it.

Tape slow-down and grainy pitch-up knob for input audio, plus FM modulation of input sound on itself or resulting pitch-down/up sound.

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Clip Distortion

by Robbert for FX Grid

Category: FX

Bitwig Version: 3.2.3

Discord Avatar of Robbert
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Modelled after Misstortion. You can swap out the filters for simple lowpass and highpass filters for a more authentic sound, but I do think it sounds better this way.

Recreation of Clip Distortion in the Grid

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by DJ Zero Action for FX Grid

Category: FX

Bitwig Version: 3.2

Discord Avatar of DJ Zero Action
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Haas panner with highpass wet/dry filter and stereo switch

Haas panner with stereo switch and highpass wet/dry filter

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Subharmonic Pitch Follower

by Taikakim for FX Grid

Category: FX

Bitwig Version: 3.2 Beta 5

Discord Avatar of Taikakim
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A mono pitch follower that plays an octave below the fundamental.

Subharmonic pitch follower. Depending on the source, can give really good results.

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Erosion Plus

by Baphy (Baphometrix) for Snap Heap

Category: FX

Bitwig Version: 3.1.3

Discord Avatar of Baphy (Baphometrix)
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An Erosion emulation built with Khs Snapheap and Khs Ringmod. For timbre, mess around mostly with the Rectify, Color, and Intensity.

IF you have Khs Snapheap, plus the Khs Ring Mod and Khs Gain snapins, then here's my new favorite way to get all that Erosion goodness in Bitwig. The Khs Ring Mod is *really* versatile.

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by Baphy (Baphometrix) for FX Grid

Category: FX

Bitwig Version: 3.1.2

Discord Avatar of Baphy (Baphometrix)
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Recreation of Ableton's Erosion Effect. (Original design by Cryptid, with very small additions by Baphometrix.) Short Delay modulated by filtered noise or sine wave. Wreck Knob adds distortion and wavefolding.

For the Ableton peeps who miss Erosion. This is the same exact process/build as Erosion at its core. Of course since the filters we have access to are not exactly the same as all the possible filter algos used in Ableton, there will be *some* sound differences, but it's close enough for rock & roll. This build also gives you some timbre/textural options not possible in the OG.

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Gated Reverb

by Jengamon for FX Grid

Category: FX

Bitwig Version: 3.1.1

Discord Avatar of Jengamon
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The "reverb" isn't exactly the best, but I tried combining the gate and reverb in such a way as to facilitate easy reverb gating!

Here's my first attempt at a preset: Gated Reverb!

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