Note FX Layer Presets

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by ___lulu for Note FX Layer


Bitwig Version: 5.3 Beta 6

dummy patch

I made a drum beat pseudo-generator combining stepwise as a controller. There is a basic audio demo in <#1020330225860616212> if you like to hear it. Stepwise-T(riggers) has 4 (8 with accented) possible variants to play a beat. Stepwise-C(ontroller) sequences these triggers, but it can also mix and stack freely. You can be very accurate quickly, or get more variation by changing length or division on the controller. Can also sequence all mute from controller.

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Chord Gadget

by supahdario for Note FX Layer

Category: Note

Bitwig Version: 4.2

Discord Avatar of supahdario
dummy patch

Use your ears to create chords and play with them.

a bunch of stuff I also uploaded to bitwiggers (check bitwiggers for descriptions of each one)

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Tonal Minor Harmony

by Stygian Abyss for Note FX Layer

Category: Note

Bitwig Version: 3.3.10

Discord Avatar of Stygian Abyss
dummy patch

An attempt at improving the Diatonic Transposer in the context of the Minor mode in tonal occidental music. This patch splits the keyboard input in an Harmonic Minor part - leftmost part of the keyboard by default, but parts and chords generation are exchangeable - producing chords and a monodic Melodic or Natural Minor part. The appropriate scale is automatically chosen using a Grid patch that guesses the direction of the melodic movement.

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Note Time Humanizer

by holar for Note FX Layer

Category: Note

Bitwig Version: 3.3.1

Discord Avatar of holar
dummy patch

1% = 10ms

Randomizes when notes hit polyphonically to make your chords sound more human. Has 7 "voices" (can easily be expanded by simply duplicating them in the Note Fx Selector) and global coarse and fine time knobs for easy tweaking

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8 Channel Note Probability

by x.iso for Note FX Layer

Category: Note

Bitwig Version: 3.3 Beta 3

Discord Avatar of x.iso
dummy patch

This preset processes up to 8 channels independently and gives probability setting for each channel to pass it's note. You can use it with multi-channel clips where you want certain notes to have certain probability of passing through. So in that case you assign those notes to channel 2 or up, so you can have 8 'groups' of different probabilities this way

8 probability knobs for 8 midi channels, a midi effect for blocking or passing through notes among 8 channels

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Piano Pedals

by purpendiculr for Note FX Layer


Bitwig Version: 3.3.1

Discord Avatar of purpendiculr
dummy patch

Can use an instrument lane to play piano pedals as keyswitches instead of automation which is a lot nicer visually I think.

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96 Bands Polyphonic Replacer

by Jazgot for Note FX Layer

Category: FX

Bitwig Version: 3.2.4

Discord Avatar of Jazgot
dummy patch

96 bands polyphonic replacer is a note fx layer of chained eq+ and replacers (to achieve very narrow bands). It takes an audio as input and generates notes corresponding to bands. Perform preset page contains knobs to change parameters of every replacer. Especially try to play with the Threshold parameter. It obviously tends to be CPU hevy, so you can disable not needed note chains.

96 bands polyphonic replacer is a note fx layer of chained eq+ and replacers (to achieve very narrow bands). It takes an audio as input and generates notes corresponding to bands. Perform preset page contains knobs to change parameters of every replacer. Especially try to play with the Threshold parameter. It obviously tends to be CPU heavy, so you can disable not needed note chains.

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Random Pitcher

by x.iso for Note FX Layer

Category: Note

Bitwig Version: 3.2.2

Discord Avatar of x.iso
dummy patch

Approximate recreation of Ableton's Random device with built-in scaler to constrain resulting randomness.

Approximate recreation of Ableton's Random device.

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