Input C Major, or black keys for Pentatonic scales.
Scale Helper for the thickies. Select a Mode and a root and just play C Major (or just the black keys for Pentatonic scales).
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Download Note Presets for Bitwig Studio.
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Input C Major, or black keys for Pentatonic scales.
Scale Helper for the thickies. Select a Mode and a root and just play C Major (or just the black keys for Pentatonic scales).
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Single preset for both Note and Audio sidechain note quantization. Basically works like sort of live Groove pool, delaying notes on/off according to rhythm of sidechain source. See notes inside Grid patch for instructions.
sort of upgrade for my previous groove quantize patch, you can select either note or audio source here for quantization of incoming notes to apply a groove. the downside of this approach is that you only really make notes later, never sooner
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A 'sidechain' sequencer for incoming chords up to 8 notes at once. go into Pre-FX chain, choose source for drum pattern utilizing notes from C1 to G1, that will be used as pattern for current chords.
fixed preset, channels weren't distributed properly
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Generate sequences from subdivisions and probability
<@1198458954175500360> here's that thingy
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Ganging multiple shift registers + keeping play position in place
<@118550747137835008> 's shift register note grid example from "It's over" video, extended to multiple sequenced registers and non-shifting playback (via phase offset)
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Basic arpegiator that outputs one note at a time in a sequence from a held chord. Phase modules can be used to alter sequencing, etc. Additioinally audio or note sidechain can be used for rhythmic groove of the arp.
New version of my custom arp made in Grid. supports audio/note sidechain input for rhythmic groove. when nothing plays from those after set fallback period, reverts to normal arp (16ths by default)
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A mostly-faithful recreation of Aria Salvatrice's Darius module for Rack: Create a forest of data and find surprises at every turn! Each time you take a Step to the right, you have a 50% chance of also moving down by one cell. You can chart a new path with the Path trigger, or go back to where you started with the Reset trigger. This preset has no I/O so that you can route the signals however you please.
A mostly-faithful recreation of the Darius sequencer from Rack/Cardinal. Program (or randomize) the grid and step through the data like going on a hike through the woods.
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Heres a Sequencer i made if anyone wants to check it out, it has 8 steps each with as many choices of notes, step1 has 1 choice, 2 has 2 choices, 3 has 3 and so on. Its similar to a free M4L sequencer I made a while back that I'll link to incase anyone also uses Ableton.
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Converts CC64 sustain into triggering a note If your sustain pedal doesn't cause the note to be generated tweak the CC Threshold
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Use your ears to create chords and play with them.
a bunch of stuff I also uploaded to bitwiggers (check bitwiggers for descriptions of each one)
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This patch allows using sostenuto pedal (or signal) on any instruments that may not support it natively (it will sustain notes that were held when pedal was pressed, but not affect new notes after it, and will release sustain as pedal releases). If your sostenuto pedal uses specific CC message, set it accordingly in top-left corner of the patch. Check the notes in the patch on how it works.
After much discussion I've finally figured out that this patch I've made is for Sostenuto effect specifically, and not usual Sustain pedal action.
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If your sustain pedal uses specific CC message, set it accordingly in top-left corner of the patch. This patch allows using sustain pedal on any instruments that may not support it natively (it will sustain notes that were held when pedal was pressed, but not affect new notes after it, and will release sustain as pedal releases). Check the notes in the patch on how it works.
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Helps allocating notes to different channels MPE style, which will rewrite original channel information notes had. You can then use Channel outlet from Note in module in Grid as index for voices (although up to 16)
A tool to split up notes to their own channels, sorted from low to high or the other way around (see button in remote controls). Something you might need to differentiate different voices in Grid by referring to their channel number (from 0 to 15)
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Master reference scale setup, you can point to it anywhere in project with either Note Harmonize device or Pitch Quantize module with sidechain note input from this Master device. Additionally, you can use note input from track to shift root key of the scale, or shift root manually with Key offset remote control. Also you can use track note input as Global transpose modulation, which can be tapped into in Receiver preset (you have to point to device called Global transpose in Pre-FX chain of this Grid). And finally you can also set scale via key input as sustained chord, but keep in mind that all options that use keytrack can be used together and affect output.
Added option to punch in scale from input chord
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Use it to point to single Master reference, or just set custom scale manually in Pitch Quantize if you want just that. There's also Global Transpose input for Master reference patch, to apply global transposition as well.
Revised Master scale device + Scale receiver. You put Master part on a separate track, configure it's scale via Pitch Quantize module. additionally there are key offset options, where key input can be used for offset, as well as for global transpose. Where needed, put Receiver preset and set sidechain input for Pitch Quantizer module to output of the Master scale track, additionally you can select Audio sidechain in there designed for global transpose, target device called appropriately in Master Note Grid's chains, after that you can use global transpose option of the Master scale.
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Master reference scale setup, you can point to it anywhere in project with either Note Harmonize device or Pitch Quantize module with sidechain note input from this Master device. Additionally, you can use note input from track to shift root key of the scale, or shift root manually with Key offset remote control. Also you can use track note input as Global transpose modulation, which can be tapped into in Follower preset (you have to point to device called Global transpose in Pre-FX chain of this Grid)
Revised Master scale device + Scale receiver. You put Master part on a separate track, configure it's scale via Pitch Quantize module. additionally there are key offset options, where key input can be used for offset, as well as for global transpose. Where needed, put Receiver preset and set sidechain input for Pitch Quantizer module to output of the Master scale track, additionally you can select Audio sidechain in there designed for global transpose, target device called appropriately in Master Note Grid's chains, after that you can use global transpose option of the Master scale.
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Euclidean Rhythm Generator with Step, Beat, and Accents. (Relative - Pitch Tracked Sequence Offsets. for fixed Pitches see Absolute version). Controls: Sequence starts on Note Gates. Independent settings for SBA/Cycle, Phi Offset, Velocity, Pitch. Gate Length. MULTI toggles from single hit out (loudest S/B/A hits -- careful to set velA>velB>velS in this mode) to multi output ( S/B/A hits simultaneous). Num/Denom = phi multipliers. HoldF to tie consecutive hits. Grid Pitch mods set relative pitch of notes out. Adapted from one of my Reaktor Patches (thanks David Alexander- Toybox). with cribs from Polarity and lunardig. Thanks gents! ras!
Euclidean Rhythm Generator in Note Grid: 3 Parts- Steps/Beats/Accents. Note offsets relative to key input. This version properly handles Single note and Multi note outputs.
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Euclidean Rhythm Generator with Step, Beat, and Accents. (Absolute - Notes Fixed in Preset. For Pitch Tracked Offsets see Relative version). Controls: Sequence starts on Note Gates. Independent settings for SBA/Cycle, Phi Offset, Velocity, Pitch. Gate Length. MULTI toggles from single hit out (loudest S/B/A hits -- careful to set velA>velB>velS in this mode) to multi output ( S/B/A hits simultaneous). Num/Denom = phi multipliers. HoldF to tie consecutive hits. Grid Pitch mods set pitch of notes out. Pitch mod = 0 enables midi learned note. (see lunardigs- nice!) Adapted from one of my Reaktor Patches (thanks David Alexander- Toybox). with cribs from Polarity and lunardig. Thanks gents! ras
Euclidean Rhythm Generator in Note Grid: 3 Parts- Steps/Beats/Accents. Updated from previous post. This version properly handles Single note and Multi note outputs.
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Polyphonic tremolo that works on any native instrument, if Gain control isn't hijacked. Remote controls: Blend - blend between no modulation and tremolo effect, is affected by following controls Env - fade in/out for tremolo effect, shifts blend to tremolo. rnd - how much random affects blend amount Rise/Fall - add smoothing as (if) needed via enfelope follower after modulation Gain mod - when on, modulates Gain. when off, modulates Pressure Bend - Bends tremolo gain curve Quantizer - at max setting switches between voices in stepped fashion
The polyphonic tremolo effect that can be used on native devices and CLAP plugins that will support gain expressions. You can play with LFO and Random modulator settings, like enabling/disabling polyphonic mode on those, then it'll affect how gain is modulated across held notes. With mono LFO, you'll hear more of a wave that goes across held notes as if it's a 'soft arpeggiator' that blends between held notes one-by-one instead of triggering them one-by-one. While with polyphonic mode and randomisation you can get different notes coming in and out in different groups.
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My approach on wrapping notes in a user defined note range (specified by min and max note) with the note grid.
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An attempt at improving the Diatonic Transposer in the context of the Minor mode in tonal occidental music. This patch splits the keyboard input in an Harmonic Minor part - leftmost part of the keyboard by default, but parts and chords generation are exchangeable - producing chords and a monodic Melodic or Natural Minor part. The appropriate scale is automatically chosen using a Grid patch that guesses the direction of the melodic movement.
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1% = 10ms
Randomizes when notes hit polyphonically to make your chords sound more human. Has 7 "voices" (can easily be expanded by simply duplicating them in the Note Fx Selector) and global coarse and fine time knobs for easy tweaking
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Steps >0 Chance Echo Steps <0 Chance Mute
Some fixes (messed up the ranges somehow), phase is ok now.
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Steps >0 Chance Echo Steps <0 Chance Mute
Note Fx: Set probabilities to drop or add echo to notes, using a step sequencer. Steps >0 Chance Echo Steps <0 Chance Mute
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This preset processes up to 8 channels independently and gives probability setting for each channel to pass it's note. You can use it with multi-channel clips where you want certain notes to have certain probability of passing through. So in that case you assign those notes to channel 2 or up, so you can have 8 'groups' of different probabilities this way
8 probability knobs for 8 midi channels, a midi effect for blocking or passing through notes among 8 channels
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Restrict notes in scale and set the timing of your play on grid, then play all the right notes at right time ;)
feeling lazy or lacking skill to perform on keyboard live and on time, on scale? no worries, just a bit of your CPU power and play along whatever you want according to scale and timing you want!
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make other tracks with note receivers and synths and source the grid midi out tracks to make groovy patterns
another improved version
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Approximate recreation of Ableton's Random device with built-in scaler to constrain resulting randomness.
Approximate recreation of Ableton's Random device.
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A shifting arp sequence with some harmonic modulations
Thought I'd share some Arpeggiator presets for y'all!
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