Scale Receiver

Use it to point to single Master reference, or just set custom scale manually in Pitch Quantize if you want just that. There's also Global Transpose input for Master reference patch, to apply global transposition as well.

Revised Master scale device + Scale receiver. You put Master part on a separate track, configure it's scale via Pitch Quantize module. additionally there are key offset options, where key input can be used for offset, as well as for global transpose. Where needed, put Receiver preset and set sidechain input for Pitch Quantizer module to output of the Master scale track, additionally you can select Audio sidechain in there designed for global transpose, target device called appropriately in Master Note Grid's chains, after that you can use global transpose option of the Master scale. by x.iso

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for Note Grid (The Grid) / Category: Note / Bitwig Version: 4.3 Beta 2

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