A recreation of the CS-80's "peculiar" oscillator section, which consists of a sawtooth core as well as an added pulse train to cover the rising edge section the sawtooth. The other waveforms are shaped from this sawtooth core as they would in the oscillator circuitry, going saw -> triangle -> sine. As a result, the saw has extra harmonics, the triangle sounds just extra square-y, and the sine wave has lots of additional harmonics while still sounding like a sine wave.
A recreation of the oscillator present in the CS-80. Following http://joachim.milson.free.fr/cs80-interactive-diagram/master-boards.html, I've implemented the sawtooth core of the CS-80 with the added pulse to cover up the rising edge of the sawtooth generator, and then the triangle and sine waves with waveshaping. The result is that the triangle wave shape inherits the square pulse within it, and sounds rather unique, and the sine wave, while sounding like one, has overtones and also inherits the square pulse, making it harsher than a pure tone would. I did not add the high-pass filter section of the oscillator, and added subtle saturation (simulating driving the voltage followers) as well as chorus in the FX section.
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