A drum machine where the all chains (C-2 to G8) have Choke Targets and Choked By set to ALL
a version of Verklempt where every chain in the drum machine is configured for choking by all (not just the first 16)
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A drum machine where the all chains (C-2 to G8) have Choke Targets and Choked By set to ALL
a version of Verklempt where every chain in the drum machine is configured for choking by all (not just the first 16)
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A drum machine where the first 16 chains (C1-D#2) have Choke Targets and Choked By set to ALL
Verklempt Update! This update takes advantage of an update in Bitwig that allows us to apply choke settings on entirely empty chains. In this version, only the first 16 chains are set this way (C1-D#2)
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a blank drum machine with C1 to D#2 set to choke all
a Drum Machine preset for 4.1 that has the first 16 pads set to choke all (in 4.1 you don't need "visible empty chains" to remember the choke settings, but you still cannot copy choke settings from one chain to another)
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a drum machine with a full set of empty chains, in which all the chains will choke all other chains
all 128 chains are choked, and they're empty and "not empty" at the same time (you can't assign choke to a truly empty chain)
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I tried to make something like the drum multi effect from Live.
first try at a DrumBuss clone with bitwig builtins
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