Variation on <@320603795560333321> comb electric piano with an arp, and bitwig organ making a thing that's fun to play with two note widely spaced intervals (try octaves, and then move one finger at a time)
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Variation on <@320603795560333321> comb electric piano with an arp, and bitwig organ making a thing that's fun to play with two note widely spaced intervals (try octaves, and then move one finger at a time)
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Polymer, with New Effects from Bitwig 4.3
A simple mini session of Sound Design (10 Minutes, xD), with the 4.3 newest features [Polymer · Convolution · Delay+ (in FB FX another Convolution] for 4.3 Beta 1 It is a Pluck Longtailed with FX
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Poly Grid Resonator playground using a bunch of comb filters and experimentation
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