Based on Mr. Bill's Transient re-adder in his Virtual Riot - Fork Funeral remix. Place this rack after a clipper to re-add transients that were removed from the clipper. Adjust the transient curve to taste. Send your kick and snare busses into each respective audio sidechain and adjust the kick and snare gain accordingly for the amount of transient reemphasis you want. If you hear clicks, adjust the lag, threshold, fall, and amplify parameters to adjust the gate to taste.
FX Grid preset based on Mr. Bill's transient readder that he featured in his Fork Funeral remix. This will gate the transients from a kick and snare sidechain input whilst removing the transient from the master track, effectively readding a transient after removing it. Place this rack after a clipper on your master to re-add the transients that were lost during the clipper.
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