A versatile kick generator by Monsoon Soul. Stop wasting your money/Splice Credits on kick samples, this patch makes kick design easy. I've set up a couple pages of remote controls for quick tweaking. I've also labeled things inside the Grid patch and put in some comments with advice on how to tweak it to your hearts content. Enjoy!
Kicker 3.0 [Kick Generator Grid Patch] **Updates for version 3** - Keytracking can now be toggled on or off via the remote control page "Master 2", with keytracking disabled you can tune the kick via the tuning macro (in the master section). Tuning is done by semitones, default tuning with the keytracking disabled is a low F note, since F is the most common root note in EDM/electronic music. - Slight Improvements in the dynamic saturator in the FX section, also the controls for that have been mapped to a remote control page in the main Poly Grid device. - Internal distortion in the grid patch can now be disabled, or pushed harder/reduced via the "Distortion Ctrl" Macro.
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