Luck Synth Lite

Create random synth sounds by clicking a button and tweak the generated parameters using bipolar knobs. Based on different instances of Polymer and only uses Bitwig devices. If you're lucky, you'll get a cool sound :) How to use: Click the "New Sound" button to generate a fresh sound. Slightly adjust all parameters with the bipolar knob macros. Turning the button off resets the device to its default state (essentially mute). Turn it back on to generate a new sound. FYI: There might be a Bitwig bug, if the sound generation stops working, try holding a MIDI note on your keyboard while pressing the button.

a bunch of stuff I also uploaded to bitwiggers (check bitwiggers for descriptions of each one) by supahdario

Made with Bitwig Logo
for Instrument Layer (Container) / Category: Synth / Bitwig Version: 5.0.4

Discord Avatar of supahdario

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