Beat Repeat

Beat Repeat similar to Ableton Live

Beat repeat similar to Ableton live by "vadimred13" on reddit > **Interval** - How often Beat Repeat triggers. Range is 0.5 bar to 8 bars. > > **Offset** - Where to start the repeat in relation to the start of a increments of 8th notes. Range is 0 (on the bar) - to 7/8th of a bar. > > **Gate** - How long to repeat for (in 16th notes). Range is 1-16. > > **Grid** - Amount of audio to repeat (in note lengths). Range is ether 16th, 8th, or quarter note. > > **Grid Type** - Note type used with "Grid" Remote Control above. Either a triplet, straight, or dotted. Notice in the display readout, -1 means triplet, 0 means straight, and 1 means dotted. Source: by POLARITY

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for FX Grid (The Grid) / Category: / Bitwig Version: 3.3.1

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